10 Nov 2018


In Amlwch, Anglesey the local British Legion have created a poppy cascade at the church, they have huge colourful displays with woolen poppies in all local businesses, inside the church members of the Legion are knitting the poppies and developing moving tributes and they have amazing stalls selling all things 'Remembrance' and '100 Years On'.

Amlwch is no way on its own. I laud Amlwch because that's where I was this week and able to see close up the tremendous efforts put in by the British Legion and the community so we don't ever forget the first world war in particular but every event that has seen anyone give their life for their country.

These efforts have been reciprocated all around the nation so that tomorrow each and every one of us can REMEMBER.

We must do this.... whether it is a organised Remembrance service or you choose to remember in your own way...... We must do this....

                     LEST WE FORGET.

                      LEST WE FORGET.

Please don't forget the Purple Poppy either! These are for the thousands and thousands of animals that gave their lives in times of war.

and here's is Our Milly proudly wearing her purple poppy.....


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